Mientras muchos dormían, Playa del Carmen estaba más despierta que nunca con múltiples festejos por la clausura del décimo aniversario de The BPM Festival. Lamentablemente, lo que sería una de las mejores noches del Caribe terminó en tragedia: un tiroteo que comenzó en el Blue Parrot (sede de elrow) cobró la vida de cuatro personas y dejó a 12 heridos, según el comunicado oficial publicado por el festival a través de su página de Facebook.
Como era de esperarse, los miembros de la escena electrónica se han unido y han mostrado su pesar a través de las redes sociales. NERVO, Carnage, Dubfire, Sharam, Gorgon City y The Black Madonna son sólo algunos de los personajes conmovidos por lo ocurrido en Playa del Carmen, aunque seguramente el talento seguirá sumando condolencias durante el resto del día y de la semana.
The BPM Festival es uno de los eventos más esperados por los amantes de la música electrónica año con año y es una verdadera desgracia que actos de violencia como este manchen el entorno musical.
Me and my crew are safe. It happened right in front of us. I still can't believe that was real
— Wax Motif (@WaxMotif) January 16, 2017
Gunmen opened fire at Blue Parrot in Playa Del Carmen at BPM . Hope everyone is safe and stay off the streets please
— NERVO (@nervomusic) January 16, 2017
sad news
— Broz Rodriguez® (@Brozrdz) January 16, 2017
oh no no no no…. just heard about the bpm shooting… the world is a scary place right now.. these shootings have to stop !!
— CARNAGE (@djcarnage) January 16, 2017
Apparently there was a shooting at Blue Parrot. We were in the DJ booth at the time. It was total chaos. We're ok. Hope everyone else is…
— Dubfire (@dubfire) January 16, 2017
Terrible news at Blue Parrot. thoughts & prayers to everyone affected. I was there at midnight for a product showcase and left.
— Sharam (@DJSHARAM) January 16, 2017
Shocking news about BPM, hope everyone else is safe
— Ben Nicky (@bennicky) January 16, 2017
Sending my love and thoughts to everyone over at @TheBPMFestival – such tragic and horrible news …
— Annie Mac (@AnnieMac) January 16, 2017
To have lived without the threat of violence was a privilege and a luxury.
— Tiga (@Tiga) January 16, 2017
Woke up to terrible news of shooting at BPM festival
— United Hairline (@atrak) January 16, 2017
Shocked at the heartbreaking news coming from BPM, lost for words really. Stay safe everyone.
— Gorgon City (@GorgonCity) January 16, 2017
Can't believe what has happened at BPM! I am shocked, my thoughts are with all the people out there, Stay safe and stay aware !!!!
— Sonny Fodera (@sonnyfodera) January 16, 2017
Police investigating a coordinated attack from the #cartel – @blueparrotplaya where I was, dozens of shots, security footage showed 6 down
— Hector Escardo (@hectorescardo) January 16, 2017
Just saw the tragic news of what happened at @TheBPMFestival . My thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims. #sad #why
— Oliver Huntemann (@OliverHuntemann) January 16, 2017
Very sad news about BPM, sending lot of love to everyone over there
— MONKI (@monki_dj) January 16, 2017
Any brothers and sisters that are @TheBPMFestival last night, tweet that U R OK
— carl craig (@carlcraignet) January 16, 2017
Sending love and strength to the whole @TheBPMFestival family and all our dance music community right now.
— The Black Madonna (@blackmadonnachi) January 16, 2017
Shocked and completely gutted after hearing the tragic news from @TheBPMFestival. My thoughts are with all of those affected.
— Adam Beyer (@realAdamBeyer) January 16, 2017
Fuck all this violence, cartel, terror shit! Condolences to those involved. This is so sad! Let love rule #bpmfestival @TheBPMFestival
— Pan-Pot (@PanPotOFFICIAL) January 16, 2017