La comunidad electrónica se une por Orlando

La madrugada del día de ayer se registró la más grande masacre por tiroteo en la historia contemporánea de Estados Unidos, al menos 50 personas perdieron la vida y otros 53 resultaron heridos en esta tragedia, según cifras oficiales, seres humanos de diferentes partes del munod, entre ellos, Latinoamérica, fueron victimas de una masacre perpetrada no únicamente por homofobia, sino por el miedo a la libertad.

Nosotros, al igual que la comunidad LGBT, formamos un grupo que se manifiesta por la paz, el amor, la unidad y el respeto, y si somos intolerantes será exclusivamente en contra aquellas acciones que atenten éstos cuatro preceptos, tal es el caso de la masacre perpetrada la madrugada de ayer. La comunidad electrónica está en contra de éstas muestras de odio e intolerancia, rechazamos un panorama en el que se ataque a un grupo de la sociedad por ejercer su libertad de expresión y su derecho a buscar una identidad propia.

Figuras de la escena electrónica se han manifestado en apoyo a las victimas, familias y a la comunidad LGBT en general debido al duro duelo que enfrentan en éste momento:

I really hate reading the news. Seeing people get hurt, being terrorized, abused, starved to death or killed. I don't like trying to explain the world to my kids, I really don't like seeing people bully each other, fight over religion, fight over football, color, race, sex or anything that's suppose to be beautiful and supporting. If we would just mind our own damn business, the people around us and make sure we do anything in our power to be the best human we could possibly be we wouldn't have these issues. People care too much of what others do with their lives. They care so much that they are willing to die for it. Do you understand how fucked up that is?!. I'm willing to die for my kids & my family but not because someone has made a lifestyle choice I'm not ok with, but because I would protect them against all evil. And with evil I mean these weak humans out there who would attack innocent people that they clearly worship. If anyone says killing is because of religion – fuck you! You have no belief, there's no religion in you whatsoever. If you go fight about a beautiful game of football cause your team didn't win – go talk to your team. Don't try kill someone cause it's not their fault your team lost. If you want to fight go join a MMA gym and go out there and fight like a man, Don't go with 10 of your buddies and kick someone's ass cause that's not fighting. Its really weak, shows a scared and a very inhumane way of fighting. If you want to be a gladiator go fight someone who wants to fight back.. Anyways – sorry for posting this shit. I really fucking hate weakness. I like real humans who would walk through fire to save another person. I look up to people who care about others, help others! Show respect. Show heart and show everyone around you that there is a great world out there worth holding on to! Don't be weak. Don't be a coward. Be a human. Not a monster. Love & Respect. Steve Angello.

A photo posted by Steve Angello (@steveangello) on

En un esfuerzo para apoyar a las victimas y a las familias de las personas que lamentablemente perdieron la vida, The EDM Family, una organización que a través de los artistas y los amantes de la música electrónica recaudan fondos para diferentes causas, ha sacado a la venta una playera con el objetivo de que el 100% de las ganancias recaudadas sean destinadas a la fundación de apoyo a las victimas (ver aquí).

Somos una comunidad, una familia y una generación que ha logrado propagar la paz, el amor, la unidad y el respeto a todo lugar a través de la música con el único fin de unir, sin importar idioma, color de piel, preferencias, ideales y una cantidad increíble de diferencias, a toda la humanidad.